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Hiking in kidepo valley national park


Hiking in kidepo valley national park

Hiking in kidepo valley national park, Karamoja is generally a land of flat plains. However, Kidepo Valley National Park has contrasting landscapes and land features like beautiful plateaus, grasslands, dry riverbanks, desert palm forests, pristine highlands buzzing with montane forests making it a have-it-all park to focus your destination on. Each landscape has different wild mammals and birds that will capture your imaginations and raise suspicions as you wander and explore into the wilderness to discover the beauty hidden away from the crowd. Of course, every hike must be in the company of a ranger, preferably early morning.

From Apoka, you wander into Lomej Mountain, early morning in the company of a trained and experienced ranger, where fro wonderful sight of the mountain and spectacular view of the Narus Valley is seen. Hiking in Kidepo Valley National Park gives you the chance to explore the banks surrounded by comely palm forests and the sounds of the winds blowing, causing the palm forests to sway and produce a cracking sound, giving you the feel of the wilderness. The sand banks in the park are a perfect spot for picnics, photography and sundowners. In the park is the Kanangorok hot spring, with an interesting history of its formation. Hiking to Morungole Mountains is a 9 hour hike that will test your body fitness, your patience and perseverance levels.

The climax of the hike is a visit to the Ik group of the Karamojong, a group that has remained true to its culture and treats anything foreign with suspicion. It is necessary to interact with the local folklore to have an insight of the area you are touring, from their perspective. The East African community is charged UGX10.000 for the hike whereas foreigners are charged $3o for non-residents and $15 for residents. Carry along enough snacks and drinks to replenish along the hike.